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August 12, 2023: Haftorah - Isaiah 54:11-55:5

Writer's picture: Dr. Jeffery L MyersDr. Jeffery L Myers

This week's Haftorah reading is from Isaiah 54:11-55:5. Join Dr. Jeffery Myers as he narrows in and embellishes on the amazing promise ELOHIM gives His people, in the midst of Israel's suffering, that we need to remember, especially in the most difficult of times: NO weapon formed against you shall prosper!

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Lion of Judah Speaks: Haftorah Portion – Isaiah 54:11-55:5

Let’s focus on Isaiah 54:17 in this Haftorah portion, “No weapon made will prevail against you. In court you will refute every accusation. The servants of Adonai inherit all this; for the reward for their righteousness is from me.” Another translation is, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of Adonai, and their righteousness is of Me, saith Elohim.” In this chapter, Isaiah looks forward to the return from captivity and the future time of final restoration, when they finally possess the Land. Israel’s history is summed up by Elohim describing Israel’s suffering and her final restoration with the words, “Briefly I abandoned you, but with great compassion I am taking you back. I was angry for a moment…but with everlasting grace I will have compassion on you” (Isaiah 54:7,8). Isaiah is looking forward to shalom by the grace of Elohim for Israel and when she will no longer be fearful of her enemies.

As we look at Isaiah 54:17, we see that, no matter what, Elohim is always victorious—He always wins—and because of that we will not fail! I am certainly not talking about perfection, but when it is all said and done, we win because we belong to Elohim. In Isaiah 54:17 we are given a promise that should change the way we view our enemies, those who are our critics, who make fun of us, who spread rumors about us. Every single one of us have days when we are attacked by the enemy in some situation or another. We all know that all of us will have difficult times ahead of us…it has only begun! As the anti-messiah spirit rages against the Kingdom of Heaven all of us will be affected in one way or another. However, Elohim gives us a promise of divine protection!

We have a lot of life to live and most of it will not be filled with trouble, problems, headaches, heartaches and pains…we will have our fair share. There will be days when we feel attacked, falsely accused, rejected and criticized. It is in those times, those days of difficulty that Elohim wants you to know that “No weapon formed against you will succeed.”

The word “weapon” means “any tool or utensil used against a person.” A weapon is anything anyone would use against you for evil intent. If anyone would use their position or rank against you…it will not succeed. If anyone would use their cell phone against you…it will not succeed. If anyone would use their finances against you…it will not succeed. If anyone would use their friendship against…it will not succeed. If anyone would use their tongue against you…it will not succeed. If anyone would use their computer against you…it will not succeed. Absolutely nothing turned against you will succeed! We can say it another way, “We know that Elohim causes everything to work together for the goal of those who love Yah and are called according to His purpose for them” (Rom. 8:28).

Joseph said it this way when he looked at his brothers who had betrayed and sacrificed him. When they threw him into the pit, sold him into slavery which resulted in a false accusation of rape and ended with an extended prison sentence. He said to them, “You intended me harm, but Elohim intended it all for good” (Gen. 50:20). No weapon formed against you will succeed! Did he experience pain, agony, betrayal and imprisonment…yes…but it all turned around for Yah’s glory and purpose. His will was done!

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in the fiery furnace to die because of their loyalty and love for Elohim as they worshipped Him alone. However, Elohim showed up and protected them and they did not burn or even smell like smoke. When is the last time you went through something and didn’t carry the scent of it? No weapon formed against you shall succeed!

Noah was commanded by Elohim to build an Ark because a great flood was coming. The crowd mocked him, laughed at him and his Elohim. But one day—animals showed up and Noah’s family joined them on the Ark and Elohim closed the door. All of those in the Ark were saved from destruction. No weapon formed against you shall succeed!

Yeshua, our perfect example, was falsely accused, lied about, falsely charged and found guilty even though He was innocent. They beat Him, slapped Him, plucked His beard out, punched Him, spat on Him and nailed Him to a cross and continued to mock Him until His death. He was placed in a tomb; a large stone was rolled to keep Him in and people out. But 3 days later they discovered “No weapon formed against Him shall succeed!” Blessed be to Adonai—the same is true for each of us!

Isaiah 54:17 tells us that we (every believer) will silence their accusers. Every voice raised against us! We have all been targets of hurtful words because of our stand for Elohim. We’ve been accused of things we didn’t do; experienced ridicule for our commitment to Yeshua. We’ve been made fun of because of our dedication to Elohim’s Word. We have been accused, blamed and charged with something falsely simply because we are obeying the Word of Elohim. In fact, II Tim. 3:12 says, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Yeshua will suffer persecution.” But Halleluyah, you will have the last word says Isaiah. However, it won’t be us standing up for ourselves but Elohim standing for us…it will be His words that will speak for us. So let Him!

We don’t have to pay them back; we don’t have to get revenge. Elohim will eventually take care of it. If someone is making it hard for you as a believer? If they are challenging you in your obedience to Elohim? If they are resisting you when it comes to Yah, rest assure that Yah will silence them. Elohim is saying to us (to you), “Let them be My problem, not yours.” He will eventually take care of them His way. Our responsibility is to keep doing what Elohim has called us to do and don’t worry about our accusers, attackers and ridiculers. They will be silenced! They will be proven wrong! The truth will come out. Just trust Adonai! He sits on the Throne of your life!

As we walk in faith and obedience to Elohim, we can count on Yah to bless us and vindicate us. You don’t always need to prove you are right. Sometimes you need to trust Elohim, be silent, and let Yah do His thing!

Shabbat Shalom Mishpocha,

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Have a sweet Sabbath. May it be peaceful and full of His glory. I will see you as we gather for His holy convocation. Let the shofar be heard…prepare the way of Adonai! See you at the altar

Shalom Aleichem



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